Sunday, January 16, 2011

Class 1, Reading 2

I liked this article as well and intend on using it and reading it more closely when I am planning my unit. I think many teachers focus so much on content and therefore perhaps overlook the science process. I think it would be very interesting to incorporate the 4 strands in the classroom and see how the students pick up on them. Perhaps after doing this over the course of a few units, it will become second nature to the students and they can do the process on their own and do their own investigational learning.

Class 1, Reading 1

I agree with the article 100%. Students learn so much more through their own hands on experiences, especially when it comes to science. It is so important to allow students to completely take over and use their imagination, background knowledge and the materials they are given to investigate on their own time. In my experience, given students examples and allowing them to ask questions and explore on their own has proven much more effective than giving them a textbook and an assessment. We need to make lessons and the material we teach more memorable and students remember lessons that are engaging and meaningful. Therefore, we need to bring more lessons like the examples given in this article to the classroom.

class 1- reading 1 and 2

Gunckel EPE
This is not my first experience with Gunckel's EPE model, yet I am glad it has been reintroduced to me at this time before my lead teaching with Science begins. The big idea here is that by providing students with ample opportunity to engage with the subject matter as it exists in real life, you are supporting a more authentic learning experience. Although it may seem like it requires more preparation, in the long run, by allowing students the experience of genuine inquiry, you are setting both yourself and your students up for success as a science learner.

Ready Set Science Ch. 2
I think Science is a unique subject in that the difference between "content" and "process" learning objectives is quite evident. I think this makes it easy for teachers to provide some "experiment time" where students are literally experiencing the content but I also think, atleast in my own experience, that an opportunity to teach students about the Scientific Process is is often missed at the point. Thus,I really appreciate the way this chapter lays out the four learning strands so concisely and think the case study is useful as well.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Class 1, Reading 2

Strand 4 is "participating productivity in science", the article states that this strand is often overlooked in the classroom, although research says that it is a critical part of learning science. This includes being able to do science in groups, discuss science... I often observe science out of a textbook or information coming from the instructor to the student. In order for students to become actively involved in learning science through strand 4, it needs to be practiced. Students aren't going to be wonderful scientists, unless we allow them to be. Conversations around science need to supported so that the conversations are effective. It is important that we teach our students to learn and teach one another, but we need to give the the tools and forum to do so.

Class 1, Reading 1

I absolutely agree with this article. When science is made tangible and hands-on, I as a student, learn so much more through my own discovery. I have been in a number of science classes and grow so much more when the class supports inquiry rather than reading about examples and another person's explanation. I have seen students grow excited when they engage in conversations about what they are exploring. In these same classes, during a test I refer back to my experiences rather than what I memorized out of a textbook.
As teachers, it is an easy route to read out of a textbook, and uncomfortable feeling to allow students to have so much control over their learning. But, it is necessary in order for students to truly learn from their experiences.

Class 1, Reading 2

Science education is being closely observed, as a new framework is constructed to distinguish between scientific content and scientific process. Ready, Set, Science outlines the framework which “rests on a view of science as both a body of knowledge and an evidence-based, model-building enterprise that continually extends, refines, and revises knowledge (Shouse & Schweingruber, 17). This framework is important when considering the experiences students bring into the classroom. Although school based science instruction tends to separate content and process, it is “inconsistent with what is known about the way scientists actually do science” (Shouse & Schweingruber, 17). Therefore, as an educator it is vital that I consider the two elements of process and content to be “inextricably linked” when involving my students in science. With the addition of the four strands, aid instructors in highlighting the ideas and knowledge students bring into the classroom.

Class 1, Reading 1

Inquiry based science is obsolete in the majority of public schools. Throughout my current experience as an intern, science instruction, altogether, is missing from my students daily schedule. However, when considering science as an instructional subject, Gunckel compares scientists science and school science as two very different forms. “School science simplifies scientists’ science because students do not have the background experiences necessary to engage in the complex conversations about data in which scientists engage” (Gunckel, 4. It is important for students to incorporate their prior experiences and interactions to find relatable connections between material presented within the classroom and the major scientific patterns displayed within nature. Nevertheless, students engaging in school science lessons are typically provided with “facts, diagrams, definitions, and isolated skills” (Gunckel, 4). Therefore, she believes our students are not set up for successful development of science knowledge. Students neglect to actively take note of everyday experiences related to science, and have no foundation to begin. Students are also unaware of overarching ideas and beliefs and they work on one independent skill at a time. In order for students to gain knowledgeable information while actively participating in science instruction, they may need to take on those skills and strategies associated with scientist’s science.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Class 1: Reading 2

Science content and process are linked (Shouse & schweingruber, page 17). Unfortunately in classrooms throughout the United States teachers do not link science together. Most teachers are not finding "enough time" and are there for pushing science to the side. It is found that our students benefit as they are able to build knowledge and give evidence to support their thinking.
"Student's knowledge is not static. Instead student's bring certain capabilities to school and the build on those..." (S & S, pg, 18). This happens both in and out of the classroom and it is our job as teachers to provide students with the tools to do so. The four strands of science that S & S have set out are able to help use identify and incorporate the best scientific practices. These four strands; Understanding scientific explanations, Generating scientific evidence, Reflecting on scientific knowledge, and Participating productively in science (S & S, pgs. 18 - 21), are linked to one another to support and provide help to our learners. These four strands helps teachers identify ways for their students to be able to "do" science instead of just read about it. The action of doing allows the students the chance to learn and explore on their own.
Each strand encompasses its own skill (i.e. explaining, providing evidence, building on previous knowledge, and working with other (scientists)). Each of these four skills overlap with one another (S & S, page 32). "It is important to emphasize that the different strands inform and enhance one another" (S & S, page 32). The students prior knowledge/experience helps them see the science come together.
These four strands help us teachers to plan, reflect, and improve our science education (S & S, page 35). Using science inquiry in the classroom and implementing these four strands into our everyday classroom with not only benefit instruction but will also benefit the students learning as they begin to see how in fact science works and that science is everywhere!

Class 1: Reading 1

Science in the elementary classroom has been lacking inquiry based science it is merely reading out of text books how science is supposed to look. Students are not able to see the process in action and thus is a problem. Without the experiences and hands on approach students are not able to explore and then not able to make the connections between science experiments. The Gunckel piece shows students exploring science on their own. They are able to work with instruments that allows them to ask questions - these questions are not comprehension based they are based off of curiosity that children always have. Without science actually becoming science students are not able to ask these questions. They need to see things happen so gather their data together and formulate "why" or "how" things happen. Students are smart enough no matter the age to figure out how things work - they love to explore and find out how things happen. Science is all around us and students should be able to be scientists in their classroom.
"In scientists science, inquiry and application work together." (Gunckel, pg. 4). Students are never allowed enough time to follow the inquiry approach whether it be because there is not enough time, there is not enough resources, or kids just get out of hand. None of these are good enough excuses. Inquiry and application go hand-in-hand as Gunckel states. Students should be able to work together and develop a reason why the science is happening. They are excited to explore and see how things are working and what makes science happen. Integrating science in the classroom should take up time that there is not enough of - science can and should be integrated with other subjects. Students can write and read about science after they see it in action. Teachers will see that this leads students to more experiences and they will in fact become better learners. As students are able to find patterns within their experiments they are able to draw conclusions and are able to explain their thinking more coherently.
The EPE table that Gunckel has set up provides students with a chart that they are able to explain. The first column has them write their experience (what happened). The second column has them list the important idea/pattern (big picture). The third column summarizes for them what they learned. This EPE table helps organize the experiment. The students are not only telling what they learned/saw but they are writing it in a coherent way. My students would benefit from this approach as they are used to completing "graphic thinkers" this is another way that science can be implemented into the class routine.