Friday, October 1, 2010

I really enjoy the perspective I gain when reading Book Club Plus, however, I also feel challenged to find ways I can effectively incorporate some of these ideas into my classroom dynamic. I do realize that anything is possible as long as I am willing to put in the effort and accept successes where I can find them. Thus far in my own classroom, there has been little to no opportunity for students to engage in authentic discussions related to literature or text they are being exposed to in class. Obviously literacy happens all day long in school, regardless of how engaged students may be. In the morning, bell work consists of 2-3 pages of assigned reading from the Social Science book, followed by a few questions for students to answer. Unfortunately, I feel that the time given for bell work is not appropriate for what is being asked of them. I think my teacher realizes this so she tries to supplement by giving “easy” questions following the reading, ie. “what word is highlighted on page 26?”. Surprisingly (or maybe not) students often get these kinds of questions wrong, and sometimes don’t even attempt to answer them. In reflecting on ideas and suggestions provided in Book Club Plus, I am wondering if this might be a good place to implement a more individualized approach. For example, students could be instructed to read a page or two,and then write about something they found interesting, important, or relevant from those pages. This would allow students to have some ownership over their work and might motivate them to put more effort into the task.

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