Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pre Community Visit (Chelsea McIntosh)

I am currently placed at Wadsworth Elementary School, which is located in the community of Woodlawn. As a group, we chose to visit three locations within our community. The first was a local YMCA, located about 2 blocks from our school. We also visited a local grocery store and a nearby restaurant (Giordano's). We selected the YMCA to visit, because it hosts a positive after school environment in which many of the students from Wadsworth attend. The selection of the grocery store and restaurant were selected because they are areas in which could be considered a typical common ground for students of various cultural backgrounds. Upon visiting these locations I expect to see lots of interaction with different individuals; whether it be small groups of children or neighbors greeting each other. Due to the majority of my schools immediate community facing issues of poverty, minimal resources, and unemployment I do not expect to see any hostile or violent acts among peoples.

I believe that a person visiting a local establishment in my community might conceive the misconception that literacy and mathematical skills are not successfully employed throughout due to an appeal of a low socio-economic status. Until recently, I would have considered myself an outsider within this community. However, by spending time near my community and within my school I no longer feel the same way. Therefore, after briefly learning of the academic success, struggles, and goals from within my schools as well as CPS, I hope to enter each location with no biases.

Within the three establishments we have selected to visit, I expect to see the greatest overlap with the use of oral language and reading. As an individual visits the grocery store, restaurant, or YMCA they will need to use varied levels of reading skills to differentiate between what meal they may order, what item they will purchase, or what program they will join. Their selections may be accompanied by the use of oral language as a person is commonly required to convey their selection or need of assistance using verbal communication skills.

One common connection that will appear within a school as well as the YMCA, restaurant, and grocery store is a public restroom facility. In order for a male or female individual to access their necessary restroom, they need to be able to differentiate between the diagram of a male/female displayed or read the associated words 'male'/'female'.

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